Thursday, August 5, 2010

Adventures of the Coupon Queen

 My hatred of Walmart has grown even more! I have had them reject printed internet coupons and free product coupons. This decision went directly against their corporate coupon policy that no one in the store seemed to know. They told me that some people had tried to use counterfeit coupons in the past so they wouldn't take mine. What does that have to do with me? So, now I carry the policy with me in case I do go but I haven't been back to buy groceries since.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

A glimpse into my mind: Birthday freebies

A glimpse into my mind: Birthday freebies: "I will be doing a series of posts of saving money and how to find freebies and great deals. My birthday was on Tuesday and I racked up on fr..."

A glimpse into my mind: Saving money at the grocery store

A glimpse into my mind: Saving money at the grocery store: "Recently I have decided to challenge myself with buying all food and household items for me, my husband and dog for $200 per month. I have r..."

A glimpse into my mind: Look what I got for $2.41

A glimpse into my mind: Look what I got for $2.41: "By combining free product coupons, store and manufacturer coupons, I got all of this stuff from Target for $2.41 I am getting good a this ..."

A glimpse into my mind: Saving on household cleaning supplies

A glimpse into my mind: Saving on household cleaning supplies: "In my continued quest to slash our household budget, I have researched homemade cleaning supplies. Here are my reviews of the ones I have ma..."


I decided to start this blog to show my journey as I learn the art of couponing. I recently started blogging about this subject on my other blog and I have decided to branch out and dedicate a blog to my money saving tips and stories. It is my hope that anyone who happens to stumble across this website will find some information to help them save money. Enjoy!